Open-Ended Questions

If I were not in school right now, I would be out in the world somewhere. I'm happy with wherever I travel, whether it be here in America, or outside our borders.

The most amazing thing that happened to me was when I went camping when I was a little kid. I went camping every year, but it was this year that was different. I was always the quiet young little girl that held back in everything I did. We were all standing over a bridge and my dad said that we should jump off. Everyone was scared and hesitant but I jumped off first. When I came to the surface everyone was shocked that I was the one who jumped first. Later that night, my godfather and I were on the bridge looking at the stars and he told me the story of the constellation Cassiopeia. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

I think school could be a lot better if it wasn't such a competition. School has become less about learning and more about getting the proper requirements to graduate. I like to learn, but it seems like I haven't actually had many classes where the teacher taught their class in a way that made me retain the information. We just learn it for the short term, to take a test to pass the class, then once we move on everything is forgotten. If school focused on genuinely teaching the kids about a subject, then maybe the students wouldn't complain and be bored in class every day. 

I wish people would appreciate living more. A lot of people spend most of their time complaining and getting concerned with the small things. They get stuck swimming around the problems in their head and don't take the time to look around and see that their lives could be worse. Life doesn't have to be as horrible as they make it out to be. 

My idea of happiness is being with the people I love, while doing the things I love. Whenever I'm with my friends or my family and we are all enjoying each other, I am happy. It doesn't take a lot for me to be happy. 

In five years I want to be getting ready to graduate college. Hopefully I will have gone to college and found something that I love enough to start a career in it. At this moment its hard to picture what exactly my life will be like in five years because I don't know what direction I will be going.

My worst fear is that I will live my life and regret not doing more with it. There's so much to do on this planet. You have to decide what you are doing with your life, find a career, and support yourself and your family. I'm scared that I will choose a path that I don't like. 


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